Data files and syntax, pre-registration, and experimental materials are, when available, accessible at my OSF webpage—>

Below, direct links to these materials and PDFs for specific papers are also available.

PEER-REVIEWED Publications

Federico, C.M., Farhart, C., Vitriol, J.A., & Golec de Zavala, A. (in press). Collective narcissism and perceptions of the (il)legitimacy of the 2020 US election. The Forum.

Vitriol, J.A., Rothman, N.B. , & Moskowitz, G. (2022). Feeling conflicted but being more aware: Emotional ambivalence buffers against defensive responding to implicit racial bias feedback. PLOS One 17(3): e0264535

Vitriol, J.A., O'Shea, B.O, Federico, C.M., Appleby, J. & Williams, A.L.. (2022). Exposure and Aversion to Human Transmissible Diseases Predict Conservative Ideological and Partisan Preferences. Political Psychology.

Farhart, C.E., Douglas-Durham, E., Lunz Trillo, K. & Vitriol, J.A. (2022). Vax Attacks: How conspiracy belief undermines vaccine support. In Bolsen, T. (Ed), The Politicization of Science. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science .

Kidd, W. & Vitriol, J.A. (2021). Moral Leadership in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Political Psychology.

Vitriol, J.A. & Marsh, J.K. (2021). A pandemic of misbelief: How beliefs promote or undermine COVID-19 mitigation. Frontiers in Political Science and Psychology .

Vitriol, J.A. & Moskowitz, G.B.. (2021). Reducing defensive responding to implicit bias feedback: On the role of perceived moral threat and efficacy to change. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Ludeke, S.G., Vitriol, J.A., Larsen, E.G., & Gensowski, M. (2021). Personality in a pandemic: Social norms moderate associations between personality and social distancing behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences.

Vitriol, J.A., Borgida, E., & Lavine, H. (2020). Meta-cognition and resistance to political persuasion: Evidence from a three-wave panel study. Social Influence.

Vitriol, J.A., Larsen, E.G., & Ludeke, S.G. (2020). Just as WEIRD? Personality traits and political attitudes among immigrant minorities. Journal of Research in Personality(6), 629-701.

Vitriol, J.A., Larsen, E.G., & Ludeke, S.G. (2019). The generalizability of personality effects in politics. European Journal of Personality, 33(6), 629-701.

Vitriol, J.A., Reifen Tagar, M., Federico, C.M., & Sawicki, V. (2019). Ideological uncertainty and investment of the self in politics. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 82, 85-97.

Vitriol, J.A., Appleby, J., & Borgida, E. (2019). Racial bias increases false identification of black faces in simultaneous lineups. Social and Personality Psychological Science, 10(6), 722-734.

Vitriol, J.A. & Kovera, M.B (2018). Death qualification may not increase convictions despite pretrial presumption of guilt. Law and Human Behavior, 42(5), 472-483.

Federico, C.M., Williams, A., & Vitriol, J.A.. (2018). The role of system identity threat in conspiracy theory endorsement. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(7), 927-938.

Vitriol, J.A., & Marsh, J. (2018). The illusion of explanatory depth and endorsement of conspiratorial beliefs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(7), 955-969.

Vitriol, J.A., Farhart, C., & Ksiazkiewicz, A. (2018). Implicit candidate traits in the 2016 Presidential Election: Replicating a dual-process model of candidate trait perceptions. Electoral Studies, 54, 261-268.

Khan, D., Reifen Tagar, M., Halperin, E., Bäckström, M., Vitriol, J.A., & Liberman,V. (2018). If they can’t change, why support change? Implicit theories about groups, social dominance orientation and political ideology. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 6(1), 151-173.

Causadias, J.M., Vitriol, J.A., & Atkin, A.L. (2018). Exaggerating the role of culture in the development of minorities: The cultural (mis)attribution bias in developmental psychology in the U.S. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 59, 65-74.

Causadias, J.M., Vitriol, J.A., & Atkin, A.L. (2018). Do we overestimate the role of culture in the behavior of minorities? Evidence of a cultural (mis)attribution bias in psychological research. American Psychologist, 73(3), 243-255.

Ludeke, S.G., Klitgaard, C.N., & Vitriol, J.A. (2017). Comprehensively-measured authoritarianism does predict vote choice: The importance of authoritarianism’s facets, ideological sorting, and the particular candidate. Personality and Individual Differences, 123, 209-216.

Ksiazkiewicz, A., Vitriol, J.A., & Farhart, C. (2018). Implicit candidate trait perceptions in political campaigns. Political Psychology, 39(1), 177-195.

Maki, A., Vitriol, J.A., Dwyer, P., Kim, J., & Snyder, M. (2017). The Helping Orientations Inventory: Measuring propensities to provide autonomy and dependency help. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 677-693.

Borgida, E., Loken, B., Vitriol, J.A., Williams, A., Stepanov, I., & Hatsukami, D. (2015). Assessing constituent levels in smokeless products: A new approach to engaging and educating the public. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 1354–1361.

Chen, P., Appleby, J., Borgida, E., Callaghan, T., Ekstrom, P., Farhart, C., Housholder, E., Kim, H., Ksiazkiewicz, A., Lavine, H., Luttig, M., Mohanty, R., Rosenthal, A., Sheagley, G., Smith, B., Vitriol, J.A., & Williams, A. (2014). The Minnesota multi-investigator 2012 presidential election panel study. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 14(1), 78-104.

Invited Articles, Book Chapters, Proceedings Papers, technical Reports, Popular Press Articles

Moskowitz, G. & Vitriol, J.A. (2021). A social cognition model of bias reduction. In Nordstrom, A. & Goodfriend, W. (Eds.), Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs. UK: Taylor & Francis Routledge.

Vitriol, J.A. (2021). Politics shapes voters’ moral values. Stony Brook University Department of Political Science Newsletter, 4.

Vitriol, J.A. , Coachys, C.N., & Marsh, J.K. (2020). Explanation hubris and belief in political conspiracies. Proceedings for the University of Miami Conspiracy Theory Conference, Miami, Florida.

Rothman, N.B. & Vitriol, J.A. (2018). Conflicted but aware: Emotional ambivalence buffers against defensive responding to implicit bias feedback. Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Management Meeting. Chicago, Illinois.

Marsh, J. K., & Vitriol, J.A. (2018). Explanation hubris and conspiracy theories: A case of the 2016 presidential election. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Madison, Wisconsin.

Packer, D.J. & Vitriol, J.A. (2018). The science of group membership. Technical Report on the Science of Intergroup and Intragroup Phenomena prepared for the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine and the Office of National Intelligence, Washington, D.C.

Vitriol, J.A. & Mandelbaum, J. (2009). Research on eyewitness evidence. APS Undergraduate Update, 3(1).

Vitriol, J.A. (2008). The reality of forensic psychology. APS Observer. 21(3),37-39.

Research Funds

Collaborative Research Opportunity, Lehigh University, $60,000 (Fall 2021-2022; competitive inter-departmental award)

Mind Brain Behavior Research Relief, Harvard University $10,000 (January 2021-2022; competitive inter-departmental award)

Collaborative Research Opportunity, Lehigh University, $60,000 (Fall 2021-2022; competitive inter-departmental award)

Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Small Research Grant, $1500 (Spring 2017; nationally competitive peer-reviewed grant)

Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues, Research Grant-in-Aid (nationally competitive peer-reviewed Grant), $4,000

Faculty Research Grant, Lehigh University, $6,000 (Fall 2017; competitive inter-departmental award)

Mountaintop Research Experience Grant, Lehigh University, $10,200 (Summer 2017; competitive inter-departmental award)

Collaborative Research Opportunity Grant, Lehigh University, $59,174 (Fall 2017-Spring 2018; competitive inter-departmental award)

Center for Study of Political Psychology Dissertation Research Grant, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, $3,000 (Spring 2015; Fall 2016; Spring 2016)

Department of Psychology Research Grant, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, $600 (Spring 2015)

Graduate Summer Research Grant, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities $800

Center for Study of Political Psychology Research Grant, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, $2,100

Graduate Research Partnership Program Grant, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, $550 (Summer 2014)